East Coast Holiday Drop-In Bouquet Box - 15 bouquets

East Coast Holiday Drop-In Bouquet Box - 15 bouquets


Make bouquet prep easier with a box of already made holiday foliage bouquets and just drop in your blooms!

Specify at checkout which box you would like. You cannot mix. Only one bouquet type per box.

Choose from 4 options:

  • Holiday Gift: 3 Carolina Sapphire, 3 Red Cedar, 2 Leyland Cypress, 15 stems silver Bear grass, 1 silver pine cone

  • Holiday Greeting: 3 Red Cedar, 3 Carolina Sapphire, 2 Eucalyptus, 1 Variegated Pitt, 15 stems gold Bear grass

  • Holiday Expressions: 3 Red Cedar, 3 Carolina Sapphire, 3 Silver Lilygrass, 1 Silver Ming

  • Southern Holiday: 3 Carolina Sapphire, 3 Leyland Cypress, 2 Gold Tip Cedar, 5 Lilygrass

These bouquets are grown and made by FernTrust in Seville, FL.

**Overnight FedEx shipping and box fee included in the cost.


  • Be aware that there is no guarantee for overnight shipping with FedEx as they are still working through issues due to Covid and increased e-commerce. Ordering earlier in the week is best.

  • If your box does not arrive on time, please contact us immediately, so we can help you locate it.

  • If the box is delayed a full day, FedEx will refund shipping charges. You will NOT be refunded the cost of the product as FedEx does not refund for perishable goods.

  • Note: If there is inclement weather that delays your shipment, then FedEx WILL NOT refund your shipping charge.

  • Any and all issues with product need to be reported to The Floral Source within 24 hours of receiving a box. Some product may get broken in transit. We will seek to fix issues if it’s significant damage and loss. A few stems broken or crushed is expected with shipping - if excessive, please take pictures and let us know within 24 hours of receiving.

  • In extreme weather conditions that affect shipping, The Floral Source reserves the right to cancel shipments with 24-hour notice.

  • If you live in areas that have below freezing temperatures in the winter or spring, or extreme heat in the spring and summer, we will not accept responsibility for damaged or frozen products. Once the box ships from the farm, the risk is on the consumer. FedEx will not refund perishable products as well.

  • Pre-orders can be canceled within a week of ship date. Anything closer to ship date cannot be canceled.

  • In order to purchase product with The Floral Source at a wholesale cost and tax free, you must be a business and provide proof of resale tax ID and your state of sales (where you do business) at checkout or email us.

  • Flowers and foliage need at least 12 hours of proper hydration and rest in the cooler before designing. Botanicals will look stressed and wilted sometimes due to transport, but when processed properly, they will perform as expected. We strongly recommend you have a cooler as part of your floral processing best practices. If a cooler is not part of your business, then the risk is on you for the botanicals performance.

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