Rose: Garden Roses & Garden Spray Roses
Rose: Garden Roses & Garden Spray Roses
Order 7 bunches of American grown garden roses & garden spray roses today!
What’s in this box:
3 bunches garden roses (12 stems per bunch)
4 bunches garden spray roses (7-9 stems per bunch)
Choose a color palette or farmer’s choice: **ONLY FARMERS CHOICE MIX IS AVAILABLE FOR VALENTINES DAY!
White and Cream
Blush and Cream
Neutral and Mauve
Peach and Cream (such as David Austin Juliet)
Sunset colors (pink, orange, yellow)
Jewel tones (burgundy, purple, hot pink)
Solid color palette (all shades of one color)
Farmer's choice
Grown in California
There are David Austin certified rose growers